Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis to help you try to change habits, lessen symptoms, or treat a variety of conditions. Just as with all kinds of therapy, there are different types of hypnotherapy available, as well as different ways of using hypnotherapy: one-to-one with a qualified hypnotherapist, in a clinic or therapy-room setting, online using Zoom or Cisco Webex confidential and secure services, and sometimes through self-hypnosis, which may be taught to you by your therapist.
Hypotherapy is a highly-regarded type of complimentary therapy in which hypnosis is used to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility, during which positive suggestions and guided imagery are used to help individuals deal with a variety of concerns and issues.
Clinical Hypnotherapy carries the implication that the practising therapist is also trained in various forms of psychotherapeutic techniques, and it is the use of these skills, when used with hypnosis, which can help the client to achieve beneficial and permanent change.
"Hypnosis is a natural state of heightened awareness, frequently associated with relaxation, where you are able if you wish, to open yourself to suggestions, and where you can make use of your imagination to help you effect positive changes in your life". (CECCH 2020).
It is important to note the "natural" state aspect here. We, all of us, may enter into a lightened version of a hypnotic state several times each day. When we drive to work for instance, we don't sit there and say to ourselves "I must change gear here” or "I will turn in the next two bends after this junction". When we read a novel or watch a film or TV we can "get into it" so much that we laugh, we cry, our hearts beat faster, etc etc. These are all kinds of hypnotic states.
Hypnosis in the therapy situation is simply a deeper state than those. At its simplest, hypnotherapy allows you to become deeply relaxed and the unconscious part of your mind allows you take on suggestions to help you break habit patterns and make positive changes in your life.
It is entirely safe. Most people enjoy the experience. You would not do anything you would not normally do. You won't disclose anything you don't want to. Above all else, it is completely confidential.
Anthony Walker